martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

The revolution starts within | Harold Jarche 

Enrique Rubio: Estrategia de adaptación ‘bottom-up’ a una nueva realidad, a un nuevo entorno vital ‘expandido y complejo’, como proceso de transformación personal.

Harold Jarche: If you are convinced that your future workplace should look more like a Wirearchy, (a dynamic two-way flow of power and authority based on, knowledge, trust, credibility, a focus on results; enabled by interconnected people and technology) then the best thing you can do now is prepare.

- Prepare yourself to be a continuous learner.
- Prepare yourself and your team/department to work collaboratively. – Start narrating your work.
- Become a knowledge curator and share widely.
- Engage in professional social networks and communities of practice.
- Model the behaviours you would like to see in others.

Cartoon by Hugh Macleod @gapingvoid
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