'This is the new symbolic image that we've created to be used online as recognition and association for the upcoming protest and cause on the 7th Nov. We would like to ask ALL of you guys to TO PLEASE MAKE THIS PICTURE YOUR PROFILE PIC for a few days.
Once you have made it your profile pic, you can click on the image and in the right hand side where you see edit, you can add this text and event link below
https://www.facebook.com/ events/1545547719014679/
On the 7th November, we call on ALL dolphin friends to reunite together, this time we need our biggest Super Pod so far. THE CRUELTY MUST STOP !!!!!
The Barbaric annual slaughter of Dolphins and small whales has begun again and will continue for many months, 1000's of dolphins will loose their lives in the most horrific way imaginable.
They are calling on all of you, they need YOU to help make our message loud and clear to the Japanese Embassy, you have the opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of innocent animals by protesting the capture and slaughter of dolphins that is an atrocious annual tradition in Japan’s Taiji Cove.
20 000 dolphins, porpoises and small whales are slaughtered each year which occurs in Japan every year between September and March. Si
The Japanese government maintain that Taiji is part of a cultural tradition, and yet the evidence is clear that this is a commercially driven endeavour, with the animals ending up in captivity, on the food market, or simply left injured in the oceans to die. "This tradition has been going for as little as "forty" years. Unlike whales, dolphins do not have an international organisation to offer them protection, so it really is down to us - the people of the international community to care enough to take action for these animals which scientists are increasingly discovering to be highly intelligent, emotional and social beings.
Momentum is building rapidly for the opposition of dolphin and whale slaughter and capture in the form of global protests, a viral storm of Internet activity and media coverage including high profile documentaries. In 2009 the Academy Award winning documentary The Cove was released, featuring Richard O’Barry, a former dolphin capturer and trainer for the TV Series Flipper, who later dedicated his life to preventing the very same practice. The impact of this film now looks set to be matched by the recent release of the documentary Blackfish, which chillingly reveals the immorality and tragic consequences of keeping orca whales in captivity.
You can also tag all your friends in the your new profile image. Lets see how many of us we can get to do this, it is going to be a very strong message if we all do it.
Once you have made it your profile pic, you can click on the image and in the right hand side where you see edit, you can add this text and event link below
On the 7th November, we call on ALL dolphin friends to reunite together, this time we need our biggest Super Pod so far. THE CRUELTY MUST STOP !!!!!
The Barbaric annual slaughter of Dolphins and small whales has begun again and will continue for many months, 1000's of dolphins will loose their lives in the most horrific way imaginable.
They are calling on all of you, they need YOU to help make our message loud and clear to the Japanese Embassy, you have the opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of innocent animals by protesting the capture and slaughter of dolphins that is an atrocious annual tradition in Japan’s Taiji Cove.
20 000 dolphins, porpoises and small whales are slaughtered each year which occurs in Japan every year between September and March. Si
The Japanese government maintain that Taiji is part of a cultural tradition, and yet the evidence is clear that this is a commercially driven endeavour, with the animals ending up in captivity, on the food market, or simply left injured in the oceans to die. "This tradition has been going for as little as "forty" years. Unlike whales, dolphins do not have an international organisation to offer them protection, so it really is down to us - the people of the international community to care enough to take action for these animals which scientists are increasingly discovering to be highly intelligent, emotional and social beings.
Momentum is building rapidly for the opposition of dolphin and whale slaughter and capture in the form of global protests, a viral storm of Internet activity and media coverage including high profile documentaries. In 2009 the Academy Award winning documentary The Cove was released, featuring Richard O’Barry, a former dolphin capturer and trainer for the TV Series Flipper, who later dedicated his life to preventing the very same practice. The impact of this film now looks set to be matched by the recent release of the documentary Blackfish, which chillingly reveals the immorality and tragic consequences of keeping orca whales in captivity.
You can also tag all your friends in the your new profile image. Lets see how many of us we can get to do this, it is going to be a very strong message if we all do it.

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