sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

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Why Reflect?

“It is the language of reflection that deepens our knowledge of who we are in relation to others in a community of learners” (Carole Miller and Juliana Saxton, University of Victoria).

What are the pedagogical and physiological foundations of reflection for learning? Why is reflection important for learning? What does the literature say about how reflection supports learning?

Self-knowledge becomes an outcome of learning. Tthe primary motive of a learning portfolio:
“to improve student learning by providing a structure for students to reflect systematically over time on the learning process and to develop the aptitudes, skills and habits that come from critical reflection” (John Zubizaretta).

“We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience” (John Dewey).

The Learning Cycle, developed by David Kolb, is based on the belief that deep learning (learning for real comprehension) comes from a sequence of experience, reflection, abstraction, and active testing.

Reflection for Learning
Website desarrollado por Helen Barret (http://electronicportfolios.org/)
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