Dear Colleagues and Friends,
I am thrilled to announce a call for proposals for the 2015 World Appreciative Inquiry Conference. We are planning this exciting
conference for July 6-10, 2015 in the beautiful city of Johannesburg,
South Africa. The World AI Conference has been previously
convened in the U.S., Nepal, and Belgium. In 2015, I look forward
to us gathering together in South Africa – a country of transformation
and inspiration – where we can join as a community of practitioners and scholars to learn from each
other and advance the field of strength-based work. With this setting serving as our inspiration, we will
explore the cutting edge work being done around the world in Appreciative Inquiry and other
strength-based methodologies so that we can take the positive revolution for change to the next
level together!
I look forward to seeing you there!
Please feel free to send this Call for Proposals & Stories of Innovation to people you know. I thank you in advance for your help to make sure we share great work with the whole world.

David Cooperrider, Ph.D.
Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Honorary Chair for the 2015 World AI Conference, South Africa
Dear Colleagues and Friends
“The growth and application of Appreciative Inquiry... has
been nothing short of phenomenal. It is arguably the most
powerful process of positive organizational change ever devised.”
~ Ken Gergen
~ Ken Gergen
Nearly three decades ago David Cooperrider and Suresh
Srivastva’s ground-breaking article, “Appreciative Inquiry into Organizational Life” forever changed the way we look at leadership
and change. It shifted our attention from the world of organizational life as “a problem-to-be-solved” to
the world as an innovation, spawning a “universe-of-strengths.”
A decade later Gallup unveiled the results of its landmark research study with 1.5 million people
A decade later Gallup unveiled the results of its landmark research study with 1.5 million people
worldwide and confirmed the basic principle: that a person, organization or larger system, will excel
only by knowing and amplifying strengths, never by fixing weaknesses.
Since then, millions of people in every sector of society around the world have shifted their attention to strengths-based leadership, and many are now asking, “What’s next?” “How, exactly, do we take the
strengths mind-set beyond the important talent and performance management application—focused
mainly on the individual or small groups—to embed strength-based methods into everything we do
across our enterprise and beyond?” “How do we forge strength-centered organizational cultures and
create strength-accelerating networks where collaborative partnerships result in transformative
innovations for a better world?”
The answer to these questions is now starting to become clear: we must create strength-based
organizations at every level of society...organizations, including groups, families, and communities,
explicitly designed and managed for the elevation of strengths, the combination and magnification of
strengths, and ultimately, the amplified reflection of our highest human strengths outward into the world.
That is what the WAIC 2015: South Africa is all about– exploring the ways that we can build exceptional partnerships across the globe to help create strength-based organizations that build a flourishing and prosperous world for all. We thank you in advance for your interest and effort to help us make this global gathering a unique event in the history of AI.
On behalf of the organizing committee, international advisory board, and all conference

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